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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 37% | Distinguished Reading: 22% | Proficient Math: 32% | Distinguished Math: 20% |

2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 34% | Middle 30% | High 32%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 27% | Middle 25% | High 19%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 36% | Middle 35% | High 28%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 22% | Middle 17% | High 17%

   2024-2025 Members

Matt Shafer, Principal, SBDM Chair

Holly McVaigh, Teacher Representative

Katharine Moore, Parent Representative       

Tasha Lovins, Teacher Representative

David Clark, Parent Representative

Heather Bloemer, Teacher Representative

Renee Reeves, Minority Parent Representative 

 Vacant, Minority Teacher Representative



For questions, please contact the
SBDM Secretary, Jill Talley


SBDM Bylaws and Policies
2024-25 SBDM Meeting Schedule

If you wish to be notified via email of special meetings of the Ryle SBDM Council,
please contact the SBDM Secretary.

The Ryle SBDM Council typically meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month in the Media Center at 4:30pm.  In order to make your experience as comfortable and productive as possible, here are a few basic guidelines: 

  • The overall purpose and focus of the Ryle SBDM Council is to improve student achievement.
  • Persons wishing to address the Council may do so during the Audience of Citizens portion of the agenda.  This is a time for students, parents, or community members to publicly speak with the council on topics pertaining to the purpose and mission of Larry A. Ryle High School.  Comments regarding individual students, parents, or employees of Larry A. Ryle High school are not appropriate for this forum.
  • Persons wishing to help Larry A. Ryle High School be the best may donate their time and energy by serving on an SBDM committee or by joining the Ryle Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) or by volunteering their time on various projects within the school.  Contact the school office for more details.

Ryle SBDM Standing Committees:

  • Curriculum
  • Student Activities
  • Student Services
  • School Climate / Positive Intervention Behavior & Supports (PBIS)

SBDM Meeting Agendas/Minutes