Online registration is a tool designed to allow parents and/or guardians to register their student(s). This video is an informative guide for parents/guardians on the online process, what type of information is entered and what happens to the application once completed.
New to Ryle? Steps to Enrolling a New Student:
For English, click HERE
For Spanish, click HERE
For French, click HERE
New to Boone County Schools?
Step 1: Click HERE for online registration or scan the QR code below:
If you need assistance, or if you do not have Internet access, please contact the Registrar.
Step 2: Provide Proof of Identity and Address
After you register online, contact your school's registrar for an appointment to finalize the registration process. BCS enrolls students at the school where they are zoned based on residential address.
The following items are required before a student can enroll:
1. Birth certificate or other reliable proof of identity. Other reliable proofs include but are not limited to:
a. The student's valid Passport or other federal government identification
b. The student's valid Kentucky Driver's License or Permit (if age 16 or older)
c. A Custody Decree or Court Order of Dissolution of Marriage of the student's parents identifying the child by name and date of birth
d. Prior school records (other than BCS) identifying the child by name and date of birth
2. One of the following, although two proofs may be required if necessary*
a. Utility bill
i. The bill must be for a service that is tied to the property. For example, a cell phone bill will not work, but a cable, electric, and
water bill will.
b. Deed/Lease
i. Authentic home builder contract with approved district transfer, lease, closing statement, or other home dwelling document
3. Recent preventive health care exam**
4. Up-to-date Kentucky immunization certificate**
a. Per 702 KAR 001:160 and Board Policy 09.211 a current Kentucky immunization certificate must be on file for each student.
5. Proof of a dental and eye examination**
6. Court documents pertaining to the student, if applicable
* A student that is coming from an out-of-district address must go through the application process from the School Choice & Transition Coordinator before being allowed to enroll in Boone County Schools.
** A student may be registered without these documents and enrolled. However, a student will have 30 days to produce these documents or law enforcement will be notified and educational neglect charges will be filed.
Click Here to get the new enrollment health forms.
Every Graduate of Ryle High School MUST complete 5 community service hours each school year for a total of 20 hours. Hours are prorated for new enrollments.