Student Scheduling Information
All Students
RHS Progam Offerings
Credit Check Sheet
Course Numbers - Students should use this form to help them enter their requests into Infinite Campus.
Course Challenge Form - Students should complete this form if they wish to take a course that they are not recommended for. This completed form should be attached to the course request form (light pink) that will be given at a later date.
Contract for AP Classes - Advanced Placement (AP) courses are academically rigorous and challenging by design and require a high level of commitment, specifically the commitment of time and effort outside of the classroom. Once students are enrolled for an AP class, they are required to stay in the class until the end of the first term.
Summer Courses Offered at Ryle - These are enrichment courses students may take to fulfill graduation requirements. There are other courses offered through the district.
Links to register will be live at 8am on March 1st:
Incoming Students (8th Grade)
Jan 16 - Feb 16:
Incoming 9th graders, with the help of their middle school teachers, will talk about the four core (English, Social Studies, Science and Math) classes that they will take as a freshman.
Jan 22:
Course Guide available to view descriptions of freshman core and elective options.
Feb 6th 2024:
Incoming 9th graders will be coming to Ryle for an informational field trip. Scheduling among other items will be covered. This is where electives will be discussed and chosen with the help of Ryle guidance counselors.
- BMS, OMS, RA: 9:15am- 11:15am
- Gray: 12:45pm- 2:10pm
All challenge forms must be returned to middle school counselors.
Feb 29th 2024:
Parent Orientation
Last Names:
A-K - 6:00-7:00 (scheduling presentation, clubs & extracurriculars following)
L-Z - 6:30 arrive for schedule request pickup and club info; 7:15-8:30 presentation
Incoming 9th graders will receive a print out of their schedule requests. Any discrepancies should be noted on the scheduling paper and turned in to Ryle staff prior to leaving for the evening. If a student disagrees with a class placement (regular vs. honors vs. AP) they must complete a challenge form and return it that evening. If you are not able to attend the parent night, Ryle staff will work with the middle schools to review schedules. Parents may email Elizabeth Tackett, (Ryle Counselor) to discuss errors in schedules. We anticipate this will be a very informative event that will answer many questions parents and students may have. Please reserve questions for this evening as opposed to reaching out ahead of time.
Parents may email Elizabeth Tackett (Freshman Counselor) to discuss errors in schedules.
Mar 8th:
Deadline for incoming 9th graders to email Elizabeth Tackett to adjust their schedule request for the 2024-2025 school year.
Additional Information:
Students who wish to take a class that was not recommended or they do not meet the requirements MUST complete a CHALLENGE FORM and return to Ryle. Challenge forms can be obtained from the middle school counselors, at parent orientation, or online.
Current Students (9th-11th)
- Scheduling RAPs:
- Presentation
- Course Applications - Deadline to submit: Feb 9th 2024
- Yearbook (Pub. Annual Journalism)
- Gross Motor Development
- Peer Tutoring: Peer Tutoring I, Art/Dance, Cross Age (FMD)
- Area Tech Center (V-School) / Homebuilders / Heavy Equipment
- Office Assistant (Leadership Dynamics) - Seniors Only
- CTE Internship
Dual Credit/Early College
Dual Enrollment / Early College Opportunities Presentation
Dual Enrollment / Early College Intent Form (Due: March 1st - NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED)
- Official online application information will be emailed from Dr. Warford - check your student email accounts!